
Zvika Meiseles * Software problem solver * Reverse engineer


Software engineer with over 20 years of experience in a vast range of software development fields, ranging from low-level driver development and hardware integration to Win32 UI and bash scripting. Experience with Windows and Linux development environments and server management. Able to analyze, understand and resolve complex software problems quickly.

Self educated and fast learner.

Personal interest in reverse engineering, low level programming, embedded projects and close hardware interaction.

CTF player, focus on reverse engineering. FlareOn 2018 participant, 2019, 2020 & 2021 finisher.



Independent Courses


Senior software engineer, Cybereason

Tel-Aviv, Israel — 2021-Present

Implement new Anti-Ransomware component.

Real-time C++17 on Windows.

Senior software engineer, LANDA digital printing

Rehovot, Israel — 2018-2021

Design and implement a software component for real time image acquisition and analysis.

In charge of all project layers, including image acquisition board integration, multi-threaded image-processing algorithm execution and printer communication.

Real-time Qt and C++17 on Windows.

Python software engineer, SAIPS

Tel-Aviv, Israel — 2017-2018

Software and infrastructure engineer, working on Ford’s AV project as part of the offline environment mapping team.

High Scalability Python/Docker environment.

Hands-on R&D team leader, Correlsense

Tel-Aviv, Israel — 2010-2018

Lead a team of 3 strong developers.

In charge of the 2nd generation agent component for SharePath™, including software architecture, feature implementation, maintenance releases and software support.

C, C++, C#, Java, Bash, CI/CD, DevOps, IT.


Senior developer, Data collection team, Correlsense

Herzliya, Israel — 2007-2010

Design and implement the agent side of SharePath™, a multi-platform application performance monitoring system from scratch (C, C++, C#, Linux Kernel).


Freelance projects

Software engineer, Image processing R&D team, Negevtech

Rehovot, Israel — 2005-2007

Design and implement a 2nd generation Real-time image processing software for a wafer-inspection machine, developed in C++/DCOM/Win32 environment.


Project manager, IDF

Tel-Aviv, Israel — 2003-2004

Lead the development of a web-based knowledge management and messaging application.

Java software engineer, IDF

Tel-Aviv, Israel — 2002-2003

Software developer in an enterprise-scale J2EE based messaging platform using Websphere/MQSeries environment. Implement an HTML based MQ monitoring tool.

System software developer and administrator, IT department, IDF

Tel-Aviv, Israel — 1999-2002

System administrator in charge of the unit’s Windows servers (IIS, Exchange).

Software developer for the IT department (C, C++).


Embedded software developer, Elbit systems

Haifa, Israel — 1995-1999

Embedded systems programmer using a variety of operating systems (proprietary, VxWorks, Windows CE) for several military systems.

Driver developer for Win95, NT and CE.

BSP for WinCE.

Assembly, C, C++.



Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

B.Sc. Electrical engineering — 1995-1999

Specialization in software computer engineering, hardware computer engineering and digital-signal processing.